Syrian hamster


Welcome to My Syrian Hamster! This game is a somewhat realistic game portraying what it is like to save up money and supplies for a hamster, and care for a hamster. Some aspects of hamster care have not yet been incorporated into the game, such as cleaning cages and refilling water. However, in this game, you'll need to pay attention to food, housing, and toys. 

You want food quality to be at 100. If the quality is below 100, it hires the risk of your hamster becoming ill. 100 quality food lowers the risk of illness. Having no food will starve your hamster, so you must always have food in stock! 

The bigger, the better! Your hamster's happiness must be at least 85 for he/she to not become ill. With a poor habitat, your hammy will have lower happiness, and will be becoming ill very often!

You must also have toys for your hamster in order for it to be happy and entertained. Hamsters must have happiness at 85 or more, and entertainment at 50 or more. If this is not the case, your hamster will become ill often, costing you lots of money in vet bills! 

Hamsters can die of old age. Once a hamster reaches 24 months, it is at risk for dying. No hamster can exceed 32 months of age. There is no set death date for a hamster, but it will pass away of old age between 24 and 32 months. 

Special needs hamster
Currently, in the game, it is possible to adopt an eyeless white hamster (blind and deaf), or a 3 legged hamster. These hamsters act no differently than a normal hamster, but differences may be incorporated into the game later on. 

When you enter the shop, a text bar comes up. You will need to type the code of your desired item in this bar. If you do not have enough money, it will not do anything, but if you do, it purchases the item. You must close the shop and re-enter to buy another item. 

If your hamster starts to lose health, it is sick. The hamster must be taken to the vet right away, as it can rapidly lose health! If you do not have enough money, you will need to work to save up money for the vet. If you do, click "heal", and your hamster will be cured. It is wise to always have a vet fund on hand.